
We meet once every other month for an informal Sunday social dinner. We try to include a variety of restaurants, most of which are locally owned and opperated. Coming out for dinner with Methodiners is a great way for us to connect with one another, relax and build community. Note: Due to Covid we are not currently meeting as Methodiners!

Once a month, throughout the summer, we host an ice cream social after church. The reason? Do we need one?
Church Barbecue
Our church barbecue at the parsonage is a fun way for us to transition into our fall schedule. We enjoy each other's company, celebrate the ministry successes we've had, and eat good food. We usually serve hot dogs, hamburgers, salads, desserts, and many bring dishes to share.
Every year our church offers a place to take shelter from the heat, grab some reasonably priced drinks and food at our downstairs 'cafe', buy a book or puzzle, and/or get some free cotton candy for the children!

Idea Team
The Idea team meets on the second Thursday of the month and is open to anyone who is interested in the potential future direction of the church or anyone who has an idea for ministry that they would like to share. The Idea team is partially responsible for setting the schedule of events and acts as a jumping point for new ministries.
Check the calendar for our next meeting date.

Worship Team
The Worship team is open to anyone who is passionate about praising God. The Worship team plans, coordinates and dreams of our worship setting throughout the year. We assemble the greeters and liturgists, add visual elements to the worship service, and prepare the sacraments. If you would like to be a part of the Worship team, contact Pastor Ben.
Check the calendar for our next meeting date.

Education Team
Our Education team is open to anyone who is interested in Children, Youth or Adult Christian Education. This team is led by Pastor Ben and is responsible for envisioning the bible studies, classes, sunday school, and vacation bible school for all ages.
Check the calendar for our next meeting date.

Church Council
Church Council is a group comprised of the chairs of all of the church committees. This group typically meets on the third Monday of each month. Church Council meetings are open to anyone in the congregation, but voting is only open the members of the council.
Check the calendar for our next meeting date.

Staff-Parish Relations
Staff-Parish Relations handles all of the employee contracts for the church as well as the relationship between the Pastor and the congregation. Meetings for Staff-Parish are closed due to the sensitive nature of their work. However, if you have an issue you would like to bring before the group, you can contact the current Chair.

The Trustees are the executive board of the church. They are responsible for the upkeep of all church property as well as the financial well being of the congregation. The Trustees meet at least once per quarter, but more frequently if there are issues that arise. Trustees meetings are open to anyone in the congregation, but voting is only open the members of the Trustees.
Lay Leadership
Lay Leadership is the nominating board of the church. They are responsible for keeping track of all of the leadership roles in the congregation and being mindful of who would best serve each area of ministry. The most involved time for lay leadership happens in the Fall, before Church Conference.